store chains




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1·Imitation of foreign brand name products and store chains is neither new, nor unique to China.
2·Convenience store chains, wary of anti-smoking sentiment, have been reluctant to refer publicly to the windfall nature of their sales boost.
3·More mass-merchandise department store chains have begun to sell merchandise similar to Toucon's products and being sold at retail prices below that of Toucon.
并 且Toucon 面临供应问题,降低毛利率,更许多大众商品百货连锁店已经开始销售商品类似的 产品且低于Toucon 的零售价格出售。
4·New 3d technology enables scientists to test pharmaceuticals and convenience store chains to check Snickers' inventory, but not everyone is ready for the change-and expense.
5·After fake products, here come fake store chains in China: fake Apple stores, fake Ikea stores, fake Subway stores, and so on, as reported in Tuesday's Wall Street Journal issue.
6·A plethora of new shopping-information websites, such as, is forcing prices down and making it harder for store chains to differentiate their offerings.
7·Of the five retail-store chains J.P. Morgan studied (Walmart, Kroger, Safeway, Whole Foods and Harris Teeter, a 192-store chain in the Southeast), Walmart still had the lowest prices.
8·Western companies are increasingly turning to online commerce, a cheaper and faster way to get to market than setting up store chains or penetrating the opaque retail market in China.
9·This was pointed out, and this individual opted for a job that does not require being indoors and delivered mail outdoors for a time, and is now delivering bread to grocery store chains.
10·Phosphorus chains form the backbone of DNA and its chemical bonds, particularly in a molecule known as adenosine triphosphate, the principal means by which biological creatures store energy.
磷链构成DNA的骨架及其化学键,特别是在一种叫做三磷酸腺苷的分子中。 三磷酸腺苷是生物体储存能量的一种重要形式。